Daisy Dunlap

Daisy began her climate career as she will end it, protesting in the streets for the just energy transition. As one of the founding members of Georgetown’s Sunrise Movement chapter, she worked on energizing people to make a difference and facilitated conversations with the administration about divesting from fossil fuels. She took that energy on the campaign trail and later into the edutech space to educate and engage voters on climate change and environmental justice issues.

On campus, she led trips as a leader in the Outdoor Education program before graduating from the School of Foreign Service with a degree in Science, Technology, and International Affairs and Spanish. At E9, she works to bring education and design into her role as an analyst, ensuring that technical information is communicated in an intuitive and creative manner.
She is the Director of Communications at Think Microgrid and member of the program staff at GridForward to facilitate events with people consciously constructing the renewable generation future. She is a member of the Climatebase Fellowship in the Communications track and active participant with the DER TaskForce to bring more people into the energy conversation.

Daisy lives in Brooklyn where you may see her walking dogs or falling off her longboard.